Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Karen, because I know you are reading this.
You are a DORKFISH, and my best friend.
That is all~

Mall Crawl Haul

Hello lovies! Kari here(:

The title rhymes...haha Anyways, today, Megan and I went to the mall today, so I could get some stuff before I left for New Orleans. [Count Down: 2 Days]

I didn't get too much, just a couple articles of clothing, make up and my summer reading books that I really need to get started on.

Clothing Haul:

Nothing special, just two things.

Purple/Blue Shorts from Cotton On (: $15 They didn't have a zero, so I went a size up and got a 2

Flowy shirt from Hollister. Discounted down to around $13

 Make-up/Beauty Haul:
EOS Smooth Sphere in Summer Fruit
 I've heard a lot of good things about this, and when I was at Ulta today I saw it and picked it up(: I just ran out of my last lip balm, Sally Hanson's Vita-B [which I absolutely loved] and I figured I'd try a new thing.  (:

Ulta Eyeliners in Silver and White

These were actually buy one get one free, so I figured I'd get two. I wanted an aqua colored, but they ran out :/ so I settled for silver. I wanted to try out the white [they say that white can make your eyes bigger?]. They're retractable, which is a definite plus for me, because I find sharpening a hassle.

I actually picked these up a couple weeks ago, because I needed new shampoo/conditioner. I've actually been through several bottles of Herbal Essence and Infusium, so those didn't change.  My mom gave me the moisturizer because she had several from my aunt, who likes to buy Shiseido in bulk-- I'm not sure if I like it or not, it has a scent, and I'm not too happy about it. 

Maybelline Falsies Mascara (:
I'm not the type of girl that spends a lot of money on makeup. That being said, I've always wanted to try Falsies, but every time I would pick it up, the price would deter me. I know it's only about $8, but for a [fairly] broke teenage girl that's still in the midst of job searching, that's a bit pricy. But finally, after a year and half of starring at this product, I finally reached out and bought it.

Covergirl Naturelux Foundation in 335
So I'm not entirely sure why the picture is sideways, but I can't and I'm too lazy to fix it. I got this a few weeks ago, on sale, which was convenient because I'm running out of mine.

So basically, that was  my day [and haul]. I would just like to say, that all the money that I used to buy clothes/products, I earned myself. Most of the money I get from Christmas/Birthday/Chinese New Year, I save for shopping and such throughout the year. I'm not the one to ask my parents, although, they try to give me money for movies/shopping, and a majority of the time, I don't take it. I think it's a pride thing.

On the plus side, I'm going to start working for my cousin [if I don't find a job elsewhere] in her clinic as a receptionist.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

What's Going on in Kari's Life

Hey lovies! Kari here(:

If you keep up with my blog ---> clicky, you'll know that I just got my wisdom teeth removed and I am not a happy camper about it, and I figured that all you non-existent readers out there would much rather spend your time doing something else than read about my puffy cheeks -__-

So yes, that's my excuse for not blogging on this blog as much. My other blog is my personal one and I can complain as much as I want.

As I've been spending my week taking pills, consuming liquids and movie watching, Megan's been off in Georgia [and she promised that she would upload a video of the zoo for me, because I was bedridden when she went to the zoo -__-]

But that's basically it for now.

Because this is what I should be doing with my summer, if I didn't have the surgery -__-

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Show Addictions

'Ello Loves, Megan here!

Since the school year has drawn to a close, this has left me with more free time which I have been filling with TV. Lots and lots of TV. Now, not all the shows I've been watching are airing on specfic channels, because there are some I need to stream from my computer.

One of these shows is Say Yes to the Dress. I mean it's kind of lame, yet at the same time I like seeing all the dresses and drama. Some say that this show emphazies consumerism, which I don't disagree with, it sometimes does want to make you buy one of the dresses. Still entertaining to watch.
Say Yes to the Dress w/ Randy

Another show that I love to watch is America's Next Top Model. All the cat fights and drama is hilarious to me. Plus, they sometimes do photoshoots that have an interesting twist or that is promoting an actual product. I've gotten hooked on it the past year or so due to the fact I was bored.

ANTN w/ judge/model Tyra Banks

Now for the show I love the most out of the three, that I'm going to list: Doctor Who. This is a BBC show, about well wibbley-wobbley timey-wimey stuff. It's an awesome show, even if it has made me terrified of a couple of things. (long story) But Doctor Who is a show I have totally fallen in love with, it has phenomanal actors and the episodes always keep me interested.

Matt Smith as The Doctor with some Daleks.

I'm still catching up on Doctor Who, but I'm almost finished with season 5, so I'm almost there. Still, my favorite show for a while.

Anyways, that's my update for now. (I've been super busy.)

Bye-Bye Lovelies,
<3 Megan


Hello lovies! Kari here.

Summer's here, and I don't want this to sound like any other 'first day of summer' post so I'll skip the "ohmygosh summer is amazing" and "this summer is going to be the bests" rants.

If you've checked my personal blog, you'll see that I'm super excited for the beginning of summer. After a few days of mulling things over [ha... I've always wanted to use the word 'mulling'...] I came to realize that summer's not all that it's cracked up to be.

Sure, you got the heaps of free time, and 'fun in the sun', but truly, summer's not amazing until you make it amazing.

So, lovies, go out and make this summer the best freaking summer of your lives!

<3 Kari

Sunday, June 10, 2012

MKSnapshot goes shopping!

Megan here, to tell you what the title already says: KAREN AND I WENT SHOPPING! (Because it's so surprising I had to put it in all caps..)

Karen & Me at the mall with our surprised faces.

I should mention we almost NEVER see each other during the course of the school year. Going to different high schools and having busy schedules sucks when it means you can't see your bestie. I mean we live fairly close to each other, but again never-freaking-ending busy schedules prevents us from doing anything together except on those rare weekends when both of us are free. Thusly, when today occured and we met up at the mall, both of us were thrilled.

I mean we are teenage girls, part of our DNA is to love shopping. Even though we both have enough clothes probably for a small army, (you know a petite, frilly, girly army) shopping is something we love to do. Doesn't really help we both have a thing for fashion.

Us riding home in our shades with bubble tea.

Clarification on the pic if you haven't seen Karen's post yet. I bought the tea, she bought the shades. Ah, the joys of mutual friendship.

We bought a couple of things, if you wanna see my tiny haul click ----->Here!

Well that's it for now lovelies (Karen, you stole my word in your post >:(  )
~ <3 Megan

Oh For The Love Of Shopping

   Hello lovies! Kari here(:

I beat Megan to it, and you'll probably hear some response to this later: Megan and I went shopping today. 

Megan and I at the mall.

What can I say? We're both teenage girls. We enjoy malls, clothes and the overall aspect of buying things to fill our overflowing closets to the brim. 

That being said, I actually loved seeing Megan again. We don't go to the same high schools, and even though we're only 20ish or so minutes away from each other neither of us really have time during the school year to visit or hang out. Thus, we were both happy about today. 

Sunglasses! Megan and I with the sunglasses that I bought her.

Megan and I with the bubble tea she bought me. [As you can see, we have a mutual friendship]

We each bought a few items, and got some well deserved down time before our exams.

If you're interested, you can check out a mini-haul blog on my personal blog. ---> Clicky!

That's it for today!
<3 Kari

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Formality of Introductions

From the computer of Megan:

So, I realize that as a blogger, it would be best to give some background on myself. I usually hate doing this with fear I'll come off as arrogant or untruthful in those manners. With the assistance of Kari, I will try to describe myself in a decent and honest manner.

I guess you could say I'm sarcastic (perhaps a bit too much), intelligent (Karen said this not me), somewhat cynical and pessimistic, depending on mood, perhaps overly opinionated. Quirky and bookwormy. I try and fit time in for everyone in my life (which is no small feat, mind you). I would like to say I'm an open book, but there are things I don't talk about. According to a number of people, I'm more mature than others my age. At times I can be hyperactive psyhco, ok a lot of the time. However the psyhco-ness is just me being an overly happy person. Happy, I guess that words describes me best. I should mention I can be very critical.

Megan= Quirky, Happy, and Creative if you boil down to three simple words.

I would love to say I'm a great writer (yet I'm too harsh on myself to say that). My attention span ranges from uber-focused to ohmygoshwhatsthat. Haha, so I think that's it....If Karen feels the need to tell you all more, I'm sure she will do that at her whim.

Stars and Moonshine~
<3 Megan

The "K" in M.K. Snapshots

Kari here!

I just wanted to do a little touch-up on my life in this blog.

As you've heard from Megan, school is basically over [or, I consider it over] and I'm a bit depressed about leaving my friends behind.

That said, I thought all you invisible readers out there would like to hear a little bit about me! [I'll leave Megan's introduction up to her]

I guess I could call myself a bubbly, sarcastic, and slightly over-achieving, and most describe me as "adorable", though, I'm still unsure of how I feel about that.

I'd like to think that I am a decent writer and have a somewhat relatable personality.

I literally have the attention span of a squirrel, and most my post [unless centered on a specific topic] will probably be random and sporatic.

I finally created my blog. If you want to know me better, visit: Kari's Blog

That's all for now! [Let's see how long both Megan and I can post once a day]
 <3 Kari 

Summer State of Mind

Attention! Attention! Attention!

School is so close to over I can almost taste it. I'm excited, but at the same time, it makes me a little sad. Sure I won't have to attend classes that bore me to tears, but I won't get to see friends who make me laugh so much.

Anyways, with it being basically exam week, it also brings out peoples' desire to be out of the montony know as 'school'. So, between exams today, a friend of mine and I got a pizza (because they sell us food between the tests) and this random kid, who we have no clue who he is. He comes up and asks us for a piece of pizza, when he already had one. This is probably just me being over-dramatic (as usual), but in my head I was just like, 'Seriously?!'

But that was interesting today.....Hmmm what else?

Oh, the same friend and I brought our stuffed elephants to school (because we are cool like that) and we were just dorks as per usual. And it was much fun, much fun indeed~
Because it's adorable and somewhat relevant.

So, I think that's it for today....Ta-Ta Lovelies~
<3 Megan

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Well hi there~

From the desk of Megan:

Ok not really, but I think that would be nice.....yeah? No, just me? Ok...

Anyways, I'm the Megan part of mkSnapshot. (As if you couldn't tell by my introduction)

So, as Karen/Kari said, we're just two best friends with way too much time on our hands. Here is where we'll be talking about stuff revelant to our lives or ranting about some crap that went down that day. I guess we'll find out what exactly we'll post when it happens.This (once again as Kari said) is out joint blog.

Eventually, we will each link our individual blogs and give backstories on ourselves, so yeah.....

I think that's it for my little blurbity-blurb~
<3<3<3 (because 3 hearts are better than one Karen) Megan~

EDIT:: here's my bloggity-blog link --> Clickity-clack

Hi There!

M.K. Snapshots.

Wondering what's behind the name?

It's simple really. M.K. Snapshots are snapshots of M. and K. [two girls with way too much time on our hands]'s lives.

M. stands for Megan, and K stands for Karen [AKA Kari].

And there you have it.

M.K. Snapshots.

This is kinda supposed to be a joint blog and we each personally have a blog that we'll connect to this one ^_^

So... I guess this is the end? I'm not entirely sure, haha.

<3 Kari